AzTech Spotlight on Zac: The Future of Project Management Software

{Interview with Zac Lindemann}

This Spotlight focuses in on Zac Lindemann, AzTech’s technology lead. Zac has over 6 years experience at AzTech leading project teams. He is an Earned Value Management consultant with AzTech as well as our Lead ACE Developer. He has a background in design and engineering. His eye and approach has been integral to the look and feel of AzTech’s tools and the ecosystem AzTech has in development. When you enter our flagship compliance tool, ACE, you see a little into Zac’s mind and it is a very clean, elegant, and powerful experience.

In this Spotlight we ask Zac:

  • How long have you been with AzTech and what have you come to learn or think about Variances?
  • As AzTech’s technology leader, you have seen and used AzTech tools from our earliest Excel tools AutoVAR to our latest tools like AzTech Compliance Expert, or ACE. What do you see as the major evolution or change in AzTech tools?
  • What do you see as the future of AzTech tools in this arena?

Watch the video to hear Zac’s insights:

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